blësk come with its own modified and improved version of Linux (Alma Linux 8.x 64-bit).
This means, it's delivered as a complete solution, no other prerequisite is required.
See the Minimum recommendation according to your version below.
blësk will automatically check for new updates, etc. from time to time. Please note that access to the internet is required for the update to download and install. This application can get updates from two different sources, Red hat Linux for the core OS related updates and updates for all monitoring packages of blësk from the blësk repository.
To deploy blësk in Virtual environment, Linux OS must be selected and Red hat Linux Enterprise 8.x must be selected as the manufacturer. This is the requirementfor VMware to properly configure and install blësk.
Hardware configurations required will vary depending on user load, data volumes, complexity, and other factors. If you have question, contact us for sizing and technical guidance.