hostgroup_name | none | Name of the host group as defined in APM |
x | none | X axis coordinate |
y | none | Y axis coordinate |
backend_id | inherited | Backend-ID defined in Main Configuration file where Network Map should search for the object states. If this parameter is not given, the Backend which was set in the global section of the map is taken. |
context_menu | inherited | Enable/Disable the context menu for this object. |
context_template | inherited | Context template for this object. |
hover_menu | inherited | Enable/Disable the hover menu |
hover_delay | inherited | Delay of hover menu appearance in seconds |
hover_template | inherited | Hover template for this object |
hover_url | none | URL which should be displayed in hover menu instead of standard information. There are some macros available: [hostgroup_name]: This macro stands for the object name. |
hover_childs_show | inherited | Enable/Disable displaying child objects |
hover_childs_sort | inherited | Sort method of child objects |
hover_childs_order | inherited | Order direction of child objects |
hover_childs_limit | inherited | A maximum number of children to be displayed. Set to -1 to disable the limit. |
iconset | inherited | Special iconset. Is inherited from a global paragraph if not specified. |
label_show | inherited | Enable/Disable label for this object |
label_text | [name] | Text of the label. Available macros: [name], [alias], [output] |
label_x | inherited | Label X-Position (with prefix + or – relative to the upper left corner of the icons, otherwise absolute position) |
label_y | inherited | Label Y-Position (with prefix + or – relative to the upper left corner of the icons, otherwise absolute position) |
label_width | inherited | Width of the label in px |
label_background | inherited | The background color of the label. The color should be given in hex code. Can also be “transparent”. |
label_border | inherited | Border color of the labels. The color should be given in hex code. Can also be “transparent”. |
label_style | inherited | Custom styling for the label text. To be given like HTMLstyle attribute contents. E.g. font-family:sans;font-weight:bold; |
line_type | inherited | Specifies the type of line when view_type=line. Valid values are: “11” for lines with one arrow at the end of a line. “10” for lines with two arrows pointing to each other in the middle of the line. “12” for plain lines without an arrow. |
line_arrow | inherited | This defines the arrows at the end of the line. At the moment this attribute is only being used for the lines between hosts on the automap. Possible values: forward, back, both, none. |
line_width | inherited | This defines the width of the line in px when this object is being displayed as a line. |
recognize_services | inherited | Defines if the services of the hosts affect the displayed state. If set to “1” a critical service on one of the hosts will result in a host group state display as critical too. If set to “0” only the APM Host State (UP or DOWN) will be used and the services of the hosts will be ignored. |
url | none | URL where the Icon should link to. Macros [host_name], [htmlcgi] and [htmlbase] are available. The value can be set to “#” to disable the link. |
url_target | _self | The target of the Icon link, this option adapts <a target=“”> (_self is same window). Available macros: [name] |
use | none | Comma separated list of object templates to use. |
view_type | icon | This option defines the type of view for this object. Possible values are: “icon” or “line”. You need to set the view_type for changing icons to lines. |
z | 1 | The z option defines the order of icons that are stacked on top of each other. The highest value will be displayed on top. The background image has a value of 0. So valid values should be above or equal 1. Note: To prevent conflicts with the header navigation you should keep this value below 100. |