map_name | none | Name of the map cfg file (without .cfg extension) |
x | none | X axis coordinate |
y | none | Y axis coordinate |
context_menu | inherited | Enable/Disable the context menu for this object. |
context_template | inherited | Context template for this object. |
hover_menu | inherited | Enable/Disable the hover menu |
hover_url | none | URL which should be displayed in the hover menu instead of standard information. There are some macros available: [map_name]: This macro stands for the object name. |
hover_template | inherited | Hover template for this object |
hover_delay | inherited | Delay of hover menu appearance in seconds |
hover_childs_show | inherited | Enable/Disable displaying child objects |
hover_childs_sort | inherited | Sort method of child objects |
hover_childs_order | inherited | Order direction of child objects |
hover_childs_limit | inherited | The number of maximum children to be displayed. Set to -1 to disable the limit. |
iconset | inherited | Special iconset. Is inherited from a global paragraph if not specified. |
label_show | inherited | Enable/Disable label for this object |
label_text | [name] | Text of the label. Available macros: [name], [alias], [output] |
label_x | inherited | Label X-Position (with prefix + or – relative to the upper left corner of the icons, otherwise absolute position) |
label_y | inherited | Label Y-Position (with prefix + or – relative to the upper left corner of the icons, otherwise absolute position) |
label_width | inherited | Width of the label in px |
label_background | inherited | The background color of the label. The color should be given in hex code. Can also be “transparent”. |
label_border | inherited | Border color of the labels. The color should be given in hex code. Can also be “transparent”. |
label_style | inherited | Custom styling for the label text. To be given like HTML style attribute contents. E.g. font-family:sans;font-weight:bold; |
line_type | inherited | Specifies the type of line when view_type=line. Valid values are: “11” for lines with one arrow at the end of a line. “10” for lines with two arrows pointing to each other in the middle of the line. “12” for plain lines without an arrow. |
line_arrow | inherited | This defines the arrows at the end of the line. At the moment this attribute is only being used for the lines between hosts on the automap. Possible values: forward, back, both, none. |
line_width | inherited | This defines the width of the line in px when this object is being displayed as a line. |
only_hard_states | inherited | Sets whether soft states should be ignored. The default setting is 0. |
url | none | URL where the Icon should link to. Macros [host_name], [htmlcgi] and [htmlbase] are available. The value can be set to “#” to disable the link. |
url_target | _self | The target of the Icon link, this option adapts <a target=“”> (_self is same window). Available macros: [name] |
use | none | Comma separated list of object templates to use. |
view_type | icon | This option defines the type of view for this object. Possible values are: “icon” or “line”. You need to set the view_type for changing icons to lines. |
z | 1 | The z option defines the order of icons that are stacked on top of each other. The highest value will be displayed on top. The background image has a value of 0. So valid values should be above or equal to 1. Note: To prevent conflicts with the header navigation you should keep this value below 100. |