The Administration section provides functions to manage users, groups, APM settings, and more.
Here you can change the existing password for the connected user.
This page allows you to manage users. From here you can create new users or modify the settings for existing ones.
The group admin section lets you create groups and provide access and rights. Groups can be later used to provide special or limited access and grant rights to certain sections of the administrative panel.
This page completes the previous one called “Group admin” and lets you define access to certain sections of the administrative panel based on the access group.
Here you can create and add new domains in the administrative panel. Using this feature, you can manage other APM servers from a single point. It is an advanced feature used in specific scenarios where more than one blësk server is deployed and configured to run in clustering mode.
Logbook lets you see the latest actions made in the administrative panel. Every action is logged in the database, and from here you can perform searches or view the latest entries. It is a good idea to delete logs from time to time in order to avoid excessive log storage in the database, which can slow down the system.
Settings correspond to the initial configuration of the software that provides the administration panel for APM. You don't have to touch anything here if your administrative panel is working.