This document explains how to create automated linear reports. Linear reports differ from graph reports in the way they present information in a tabular way and help to answer requests like “I have to report each month over-utilized network links”.
1. You can create as many automated linear reports as you like. In order to create a new automated report, you will need to go to the Reports Management page located under NPM | Configure | Management – Reports.
2. On this page, click the “+” icon to create a new linear report.
3. Choose a template this report should depend on, then click “Continue“.
4. This will present you with the new Report Configuration (General) screen where you will have to fill out general information regarding the new automated linear report you wish to create. The most important information is bordered in red and explained below.
The reporting period can be divided into two different types: Using a sliding time frame means that NPM automatically calculates the start and the end date in relation to the predefined time frame selected by us. This is very useful if you want to schedule the report. The second type allows us to define a static time frame.
1. Once your automated linear report is created, the other tabs will be available and activated automatically.
Now you need to add data items. Data items represent the data related to graphs that are available in NPM. Click the “Reports” link located on the column at the left to go back, then the “Add” link in the right upper corner to display the screen from where you can add new data.
2. Depending of your template selection, the list of available data will be adjusted. In our example, we previously chosen the template related to network interface, therefore the data presented here will rely on devices with port interfaces. Usually, you will want to add a ‘data’ item from all devices having a port interface. Below is an example of how it should appear. Select all data objects you want to add then click “Create“.
3. Once completed, click on the link called in our example “Monthly Network Traffic Statistic” to return to the previous page where we can activate scheduled reporting for this linear report.
4. Click on the “Administration” menu. This will present you with the administration report configuration screen where you will have to fill out some information regarding the way you wish to apply scheduling and email reporting. The most important information is bordered in red. Don’t forget to click on the “Save” button when completed.
5. Click on the “Email” menu to provide information about which should receive this linear report as well as other information related to Subject, etc. Click “Save” when completed.
6. Go to Configure | Management – Reports, then select the report from the list and click on the “Go” button to manually run the report now. This will create it and make it available under the “Reporting” menu as a new Linear Reports available to consult.
Note: The process of running the report manually could take some time depending on the number of data to retrieve, be patient.
1. In order to view your new linear report, you will need to go to the Reporting page located under NPM | Reporting | Linear Reports.
2. From the list, select the report you want to view.