The Dashboard is a dynamic page and provides an updated snapshot of the current traffic for the selected interface or interface view being monitored by blësk NTA. The Dashboard menu can be found from the top menu bar.
The dashboard provides information about Talkers, Hosts, Ports, and Applications. Information can be selected from the top menu. Each item is discussed below.
The default dashboard page is a Sankey diagram of Top Flow Talkers
The Sankey diagram displays the hosts currently active on the monitored interface or interface view. Host pairs are joined together by colored bars representing flows. The client host is always placed on the left edge of the bar. Similarly, the server is placed on the right. Bar width is proportional to the amount of traffic exchanged. The wider the bar, the higher the traffic exchanged between the corresponding pair of hosts.
By default, the diagram is updated every 5 seconds. Refresh frequency can be set or disabled from the dropdown menu shown right below the diagram. Host and flow information shown in the Sankey is interactive.
Hosts View provides a pie chart representation of the captured traffic. Aggregation is done on a per-host basis. Similar to the Sankey Diagram discussed above, any host name (or non-resolved IP address) shown can be double-clicked to visit the corresponding ‘Host Details’ page.
The pie chart is refreshed automatically.
Ports view provides two separated pie charts with the most used ports, both for clients and for servers. Each pie chart provides statistics for client ports and server ports.
Any port number shown can be double-clicked to visit the ‘Active Flows’ page. This page lists all the currently active flows such that client or server port matches the one clicked.
Application View provides another pie chart that represents a view of the bandwidth usage divided per application protocol. Protocols that cannot be identified are marked as Unknown.
In the same manner, as for the previous view, application names are clickable to be redirected to a page with more detailed information on the application.